About Us


Lior Goldstein

As a current employer and a past employee, I understand the importance of a quality group health insurance plan from both perspectives. Both of these experiences have shaped my approach when working with small and large groups. They have directed my focus to the two most important aspects of a group health plan: quality of coverage as well as affordability. I provide the companies that I work with the guidance and direction they need to make an informed decision in choosing the right plan for their organization. This allows them the opportunity to keep their focus on running and growing their business while offering their employees quality coverage that they can feel comfortable with.

On a personal level, I was born and raised in sunny South Florida as a big Miami Dolphins and Miami Heat fan. I married my high school sweetheart, Aliza, who is a labor and delivery nurse and exemplifies the care I strive for when working with others. Lastly, we have two handsome boys, Jonah (4) and Noam (2), who love to play outside and who are growing up way too quickly.

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